Make Safety and Precision Your Top Priorities

Human Performance Management That Puts Your People First


COPE® - Centre of Performance Excellence marries behavioural-based training with human performance improvement using digital twin environments enriched with mixed reality experiences and enhanced biometrics.

Use Biometrics to Monitor Physiological Responses

  • Gather, monitor and process employees’ physiological responses in mission-critical situations to understand the root causes (“why”) of errors and to build safe behaviours by improving reactions in real life where safety and precision are key.
  • Use biometric sensors to track your employees’ physiological responses to training situations, including:
    heart rate and heart rate variability
    eye movement
    body temperature
    body vibration
  • Improve workplace awareness by tracking what your employees’ see, do not see, and how long their gaze is on specific objects.
  • Partner with EXO Insights’ team to develop wearable designs for biometric monitoring.

Create Immersive Simulations

  • Allow employees to physically rehearse and perform critically important tasks and interact in a realistically detailed full-scale operating environment for the purpose of instruction, practice, or certification.
  • Replicate any level of work group complexity, including multiple variations in tasks or challenges, life-like emergency hazards, incorporating real-time audio all based on AI enhanced interactive characters.
  • Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR; virtual assets applied over the real work environment) or Mixed Reality (XR/MR; a combination of both VR & AR) technologies are applied according to project needs.
  • Integrate simulations with existing processes and operations to better mirror reality.
  • Incorporate remote virtual access into simulations when in-person training is not feasible.
  • Utilize state-of-the-art headsets including the Varjo XR-1, Microsoft HoloLens 2, and more.

Enhance Employee Human Performance with Valuable and Actionable Analytics

  • EXO COPE® combines discrete biometric sensors, real-time monitoring, and performance reporting with task-by-task monitoring, sensors capture and process physical interactions, eye movement, and other biometric data, and displays analytics in real-time for direct trainee feedback, for the instructor and for administrators.
  • Identify workgroup and team knowledge gaps, behavioural patterns, performance measures, and operational deficiencies are then identified in our reporting protocols specifically designed to match company requirements.


Benefits for trainees and trainers

  • Build readiness and retention with simulated realistic and immersive environments.
  • Create awareness and alertness with readiness enhanced via simulated risks, failures, and accidents.
  • Establish benchmarks and set standards through consistent evaluation criteria, verified reporting.
  • Experience less downtime in resetting training exercises.
  • Achieve better understanding through immediate and memorable application of concepts.

Benefits for operational, safety and financial leaders

  • Reduce costs associated with accidents and work site downtime.
  • Increase performance by reducing operator error and worksite incidents
  • Reduce costs association with machine damage and maintenance costs.
  • Increase production with greater machine knowledge availability.
  • Reduce costs and increase capacity through improved operational efficiency and quality of delivery.

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